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Transatlantic Conference 2021 (external participants)

24 Mar 2021 14.00 CET - 26 Mar 2021 17.00 CET
Trade & External Affairs
All committees


Global leadership: A transatlantic opportunity





Via Hopin

Please join the event via Hopin here.

Please note that you will need to first register through the link to join the event.




We encourage you to join before the conference starts to check out the platform and network with each other. On the platform you can discover the latest programme, speakers biographies and a small expo from AmCham EU and the sponsors.
For the Q&A session – please address your questions in the chat of the stage.

Before the event, please read carefully this Hopin manual.

Please join from a compatible browser. Hopin works best on Chrome and Firefox.

In case of technical challenges, please contact the events team:

Thanks to our sponsors

Elite sponsors:

Premium sponsors:

Media partner:


Questions? Contact Events Team