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Ambassador Sondland meets with AmCham EU Board

13 Jul 2018
All Committees

The AmCham EU Board of Directors was honoured to host the US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland at our offices for an introductory meeting on Friday, 13 July 2018. AmCham EU looks forward to continuing the excellent relationship we have with the US Mission to the EU.

Europe in the driving seat: developing the mobility system of the future

12 Jul 2018
All Committees
Transport, Energy & Climate

Some 100 years after the Ford Model T took to the road as the first mass-produced car, we are well on the way to the next big innovation in transport: from a mobility system dominated by human-operated motor vehicles to one which places connected and automated vehicles and infrastructure at its centre. 

Susan Danger, CEO, talks tariffs on Bloomberg

11 Jul 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

Ahead of President Trump's visit to Brussels for the NATO summit this week, Susan Danger, CEO, spoke to Bloomberg TV about the impact of steel and aluminium tariffs and EU-US relations. 

US business: Let’s deliver an ambitious new EU-UK relationship

10 Jul 2018
All Committees

US companies have for decades benefited from the ability to seamlessly operate across EU borders under a common set of regulations. 

EU Cybersecurity Act: improved governance framework, but progress still needed

10 Jul 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy

Security certification is a well-established tool that increases resilience and awareness for business users and consumers. AmCham EU supports the objective of the European Commission’s proposal to reduce administrative costs and ensure there is a stronger and more harmonised approach to cybersecurity certification.

AmCham EU welcomes US Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Vishal Amin

6 Jul 2018
All Committees
Intellectual Property

On 29 June 2018, AmCham EU hosted a lunch meeting with Vishal Amin, U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC) to discuss a range of issues related to IP regulation and enforcement, followed by a constructive discussion among participants.

Upholding EU-US Privacy Shield is essential to consumers and business in Europe

2 Jul 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will discuss this week in plenary session a LIBE draft resolution calling for the suspension of the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement (paragraph 35 of the draft resolution). 

Cooperation is crucial for the future of transport

2 Jul 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy
Transport, Energy & Climate

The continued development of connected and automated mobility will allow road users to avoid accidents, reduce their carbon footprint and anticipate essential vehicle repairs.

Joint statement: Third country investors urge Brexit progress at June EU Council Summit

25 Jun 2018

Ahead of the European Council summit taking place from 28-29 June 2018, international businesses who are heavily invested in both the EU and the UK are calling for urgent progress on the key outstanding issues remaining in the talks.

A Europe open for market-led investment from abroad – AmCham EU on the EU Investment Screening proposal

19 Jun 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

In its latest position paper, AmCham EU assesses the EU’s proposal to introduce an EU-wide framework for foreign investment screening and provides concrete recommendations to ensure that the EU remains open for business.

Annual General Meeting features farewell reception for Adam Shub, US Chargé d’Affaires

15 Jun 2018
All Committees
Operations Group

On Thursday, 14 June AmCham EU held its Annual General Meeting 2018, where members reviewed last year’s accomplishments and discussed future plans for the organisation in 2018 and beyond. 

Collective redress: Europe seeks balanced approach, but concerns remain

11 Jun 2018
All Committees
Consumer affairs

Following the publication of the New Deal for Consumers in April, over 60 policy-makers and associations convened at AmCham EU last week to discuss the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a new ‘representative action’ system in Europe.

AmCham EU members talk digital with MEPs in Strasbourg

4 Jun 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy

On Tuesday, 29 and Wednesday, 30 May 2018, the AmCham EU Digital Economy Committee hosted a delegation of 11 members at the European Parliament’s monthly plenary meeting in Strasbourg.  

Steel and aluminium tariffs: AmCham EU speaks out

4 Jun 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

AmCham EU issued a statement in response to the US government’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium.

AmCham EU participates in Relay for Life

4 Jun 2018
All Committees

Last weekend, an AmCham EU team participated in Relay for Life, an initiative to raise funds for the fight against cancer.

CAP reform: cultivating a sustainable and productive European agriculture

1 Jun 2018
All Committees
Agriculture & Food

The future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is on the agenda today, as the European Commission puts forward plans aimed at reforming the CAP for a post-Brexit EU.

Steel and aluminium tariffs: American business in Europe opposes US decision

31 May 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

Further to the US government’s announcement on steel and aluminium tariffs, Susan Danger, CEO, American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU), provided the following comments:

Steel and aluminium tariffs: EU should receive permanent exemption

29 May 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) calls for the EU to receive a permanent exemption from any US government plans to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium.

Proposed waiver puts future innovative medicines at risk

28 May 2018
All Committees

AmCham EU is concerned by the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a manufacturing exemption (‘waiver’) to Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC).

Austrian Federal Minister of Finance discusses upcoming EU Presidency priorities with AmCham EU

28 May 2018
All Committees
Financial Services

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 the Financial Services and Tax Committees hosted Hartwig Loeger, Austrian Federal Minister of Finance.
