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New Chair of the AmCham EU Communications and Marketing Group

4 Jun 2015

Melanie Faithfull Kent, Chief Operating Officer of Hill+Knowlton Strategies, has been confirmed as the Chair of the Communications and Marketing Group and the newest member of the AmCham EU Board. She will serve a two-year term.

Delegation visit to the US for the AmChams in Europe

3 Jun 2015

A delegation from a number of AmChams across Europe took part in a six day visit to California and Washington last week. AmCham EU was represented by Susan Danger, Managing Director.

The visit served as the launch of The Case for Investing in Europe 2015 report which aims to promote US investment in the EU. 

AmCham EU responds to The Guardian article on endocrine-disrupting chemicals

1 Jun 2015
Trade & External Affairs

In its letter, AmCham EU explains that it has participated in all EU stakeholder engagement on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from its inception, and has been transparent in both its positioning and outreach.

Pastora Valero discusses the recent Digital Single Market strategy

28 May 2015
Digital Economy

Pastora Valero, head of Government Affairs for the EMEAR (Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia) region at Cisco and Chair of the AmCham EU Digital Economy Committee, discusses the European Commission’s recent proposals to make the Digital Single Market a reality.

View video here.

AmCham EU Annual Report 2014 released

26 May 2015

This report outlines AmCham EU's leadership, as well as outreach and advocacy highlights over the course of 2014. Click here to read the full report.

Staff members honoured for 25 years of service

22 May 2015

Conny Dekens, Office Manager, and Rosaria Sciaccaluga, Operations Assistant, were recognised for 25 years of service to AmCham EU. We thank them both for their exceptional commitment.

Annual General Meeting takes place at Bibliothèque Royale

21 May 2015

AmCham EU hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 18 May. The lively meeting was held at the Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. In addition to the business items, which included approving the 2015 annual budget and voting to approve the new Board, Conny Dekens, Office Manager, and Rosaria Sciaccaluga, Operations Assistant, were recognised for 25 years of service to AmCham EU. Additionally, David Hastings, Policy Officer for the Financial Services, Institutional Affairs and EU Tax committees, was also named this year's winner of the Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award for his outstanding work.

Delegation from Financial Services Committee visits Frankfurt and Strasbourg

21 May 2015
Financial Services

AmCham EU’s Financial Services Committee travelled to Frankfurt for meetings with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Central Bank (ECB) on Monday 18 May. They discussed the implementation of insurance legislation and the proposed structural reforms for banks with officials.

AmCham EU supports Commission's commitment to cutting red tape

20 May 2015

AmCham EU has today welcomed the European Commission's proposals to streamline the law-making process in order to simplify legislation.

Read our press release here.

Susan Danger at the AmCham EU Annual General Meeting

19 May 2015

Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU, discussing the AmCham EU AGM. 

EU Ombudsman reiterates praise for European Commission transparency

19 May 2015

The EU Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, commends for a second time EU transparency in TTIP. Read reply here.

AmCham EU meet with Regional Senior Commercial Officers in Europe

15 May 2015

On Tuesday 12 May AmCham EU hosted a meeting with the Regional Senior Commercial Officers in Europe. The meeting was an opportunity to present how AmCham EU works and its priorities as well as an opportunity to learn about the structural change of the US Commercial Service in Europe.

Warning! TTIP may severely promote economic growth

15 May 2015

The European Liberal Youth Forum (LYMEC) is organising a street campaign in support of TTIP. The LYMEC TTIP Action Day will take place on Saturday May 16 in Brussels. Participants will take to the streets to come out in support of TTIP and free trade.

Alberto Di Felice speaks on behalf of AmCham EU at eHealth week in Latvia

15 May 2015

eHealth week was held in Riga, Latvia from the 11-15 May. Alberto Di Felice (Qualcomm), Vice-Chair of the Healthcare Committee, spoke on behalf of AmCham EU, on the panel for 'Privacy and Data Protection in Healthcare'.


Alberto Di Felice speaks on behalf of AmCham EU at eHealth week in Latvia

15 May 2015

eHealth week was held in Riga, Latvia from the 11-15 May. Alberto Di Felice (Qualcomm), Vice-Chair of the Healthcare Committee, spoke on behalf of AmCham EU, on the panel for 'Privacy and Data Protection in Healthcare'.


TTIP: Landing the right deal

13 May 2015
Trade & External Affairs

On 12 May, AmCham EU and The European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) hosted a joint event on The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Breakfast briefing on transatlantic defence cooperation and interdependence

11 May 2015
Security, Defence & Space

AmCham EU’s Security and Defence Committee hosted a high-level breakfast meeting on transatlantic defence cooperation and interdependence, with a keynote address delivered by Maciej Popowski, Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and speeches from MEP Ioan Mircea Pașcu, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and Rini Goos, Deputy Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA). The discussion was moderated by Thomas Reynaert (UTC), Chair of the AmCham EU Security and Defence Committee. 


Healthcare Committee delegation visit to Latvia

9 May 2015

As a follow-up to the Presidency Group Delegation visit to Latvia, a delegation of the Healthcare Committee went to Latvia yesterday to discuss with Ms. Egita Pole, Under Secretary of State for Health and local experts the ongoing negotiations on medical devices, but also joint procurement of medicines, the value for the overall economy of investing in health, and eHealth/mHealth.



Delegation from U.S. House of Representatives visit AmCham EU

9 May 2015
Transport, Energy & Climate

A delegation from the U.S. House of Representatives led by Rep. Frederick Upton (R-MI) met with AmCham EU members on Wednesday 6 May. The delegation was composed of 9 Congressmen, mainly drawing from the Energy and Commerce Committee, who visited Europe to examine pharmaceutical regulatory approval process, energy market integration and energy security. 

Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) meets with Financial Services Committee

8 May 2015
Financial Services

The Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Timothy G. Massad, met with AmCham EU’s Financial Services Committee on Wednesday 6 May. 
