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The European Net-Zero Industry Act: planting the seeds for sustainable economic growth

26 Oct 2023
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The European Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) presents a great opportunity for the EU to address climate change while encouraging economic growth. This package arrives at times of need given the ongoing crises and other countries’ decarbonisation investments, particularly the US Inflation Reduction Act. On Wednesday, 25 October, the European Parliament passed a vote to support the Act’s adoption, demonstrating their sustained commitment towards the NZIA’s sustainability goals. The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) supports this initiative and is pleased to see the EU making advancements in the green transition without hindering economic prosperity.

Reinforcing transatlantic collaboration in financial services in Washington, DC

25 Oct 2023
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Financial Services

From Tuesday, 17 to Thursday, 19 October, AmCham EU visited Washington, DC to discuss overarching priorities around financial services and sustainable finance. On the first day, delegates attended a panel discussion on the importance of transatlantic cooperation organised by the US Chamber of Commerce with Geraldine Byrne Nason, Ambassador of Ireland to the US; Anniken Krutnes, Ambassador of Norway to the US and Jean-Arthur Régibeau, Ambassador of Belgium to the US. Throughout the trip, delegates also held high-level meetings with Rohit Chopra, Director, US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Elizabeth Kelly, Special Assistant to President Biden, National Economic Council. 

Membership update: AmCham EU welcomes new member companies

24 Oct 2023
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We are delighted to announce our membership has grown as Owens Corning and The Walt Disney Company have been approved as new members. We wish a warm welcome to our new members and look forward to working closely on our advocacy efforts in the future.  

Strengthening ties with AmCham Luxembourg

24 Oct 2023
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On Wednesday 18 October 2023, Thibaut L’Ortye, Director, Public Affairs, AmCham EU represented the organisation at AmCham Luxembourg’s ‘Transatlantic Trade and Investment’ event. Kicking off the event was Thomas Barrett, US Ambassador to Luxembourg and John Psaila, Managing Partner, Deloitte who both highlighted Luxembourg's historic ties to the US. During his section, Mr L’Ortye presented the results of The Transatlantic Economy 2023 by examining the current state of the EU-US relationship. The study's findings and the breadth of speakers underscore the role of strong ties between government and business in further strengthening the transatlantic relationship.

AmCham EU statement on the outcomes of the EU-US summit

23 Oct 2023
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Commenting on the outcomes of the EU-US summit, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU said: ‘Last week’s summit shows the commitment of EU and US leaders to the transatlantic relationship. In a difficult geopolitical environment, we do not take this level of unity and cooperation for granted and we appreciate the efforts on both sides to address complex issues and trade irritants. However, we are disappointed that the summit was not able to deliver a deal on both a Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium (GSA) and a Critical Minerals Agreement. It is absolutely essential to reach a resolution by the end of the year. No one would stand to win from going back to a tit-for-tat dispute between the world’s largest trading partners.’

EU-US summit: an opportunity to boost transatlantic cooperation

18 Oct 2023
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On Friday, 20 October 2023, EU and US leaders will convene in Washington, DC, for the second EU-US summit under the current Administrations. This is an opportunity to solidify an ambitious transatlantic agenda after both sides intensified their cooperation over the last few years, not least through the Trade and Technology Council. The meeting takes place amidst geopolitical tensions that further highlight the need for EU-US leadership.

A sustainable leap for Belgian industry

17 Oct 2023
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On Monday, 16 October, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU attended the inauguration of Janssen Pharmaceutica's new geothermal power plant in Beerse, Belgium. Speaking at the inauguration was Jan Jambon, Minister-President, Government of Flanders. With the opening of the plant, Janssen Pharmaceutica have become the first company in Belgium to use geothermal energy to heat their plant, resulting in their energy consumption immediately dropping by 30%. Funding for the project came through the European Regional Development Fund showing how the private sector, regional governments and the EU can unite to drive sustainable change.  

Aligning with industry to increase Europe's defence

16 Oct 2023
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Security, Defence & Space

On Thursday, 12 October, AmCham EU held a roundtable breakfast to discuss the importance of strengthening the EU's defence industry with representatives from the defence sector. Representatives and AmCham EU members took part in an open discussion that was moderated by Lucia López Carasa, Policy Adviser, AmCham EU. From the roundtable, it was clear that the priority should be on remaining open to cooperation with likeminded countries, investing in boosting Europe’s attractiveness and working with American industry to meet the EU's defence capabilities. 

Achieving sustainable healthcare with AmCham Estonia

16 Oct 2023
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AmCham Estonia hosted their 'Annual Healthcare Conference 2023’ on Tuesday, 11 October, addressing the status of healthcare systems in Estonia. Michael Guterbock, Economist Impact presented the findings of a recent study on healthcare systems in Central and Eastern Europe from Economist Impact and commissioned by AmCham EU. Also speaking at the conference was Riina Sikkut, Minister of Health, Government of Estonia who shared her perspective on what the future holds for Estonian healthcare while underlining how important the life sciences sector is for Estonia's economy. 

Navigating tomorrow: a recap of our 2023 Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference

12 Oct 2023
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Digital Economy

This year’s Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference ‘The geopolitics of technology’, took place on Tuesday, 10 October 2023. The topic of the conference was on how we can manage the risks associated with emerging technologies and why we need to think globally rather than regionally about the rules governing these new technologies. In a keynote video, Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice, European Commission focused on how Europe can stay ahead on digital affairs and set global standards. We were also joined by Thomas Skordas, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission who shared his perspectives on how the transatlantic relationship can play a key role in shaping the rules for technology that benefit everyone. 

Uniting business and government for Ukraine's recovery

6 Oct 2023
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On Tuesday, 26 September, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU met with Penny Pritzker, US Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery, together with Mark Gitenstein, US Ambassador to the EU and Frank Heemskerk, Secretary General, European Round Table of Industrialists. The meeting focused on how collaboration between business and government will play a key role in supporting Ukraine’s recovery. Ms Pritzker underlined the commitment of the US to supporting Ukraine and how this could not be achieved without involvement form the private sector. 

Highlighting the benefits of free trade in Strasbourg

6 Oct 2023
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Trade & External Affairs

From Tuesday 3 October to Thursday, 5 October, AmCham EU’s Trade and External Affairs Committee visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France to discuss trade policy and the importance of making progress on key Free Trade Agreements before the end of the current mandate. Meeting with key MEPs such as Bernd Lange MEP (S&D, DE) and Chair, Committee on International Trade, European Parliament, delegates discussed the importance of strengthening transatlantic relations ahead of the next EU-US Trade and Technology Council. By fostering an open and rules-based trade system, Europe can become more attractive and competitive for business. 

Statement on the Product Liability Directive

6 Oct 2023
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Consumer affairs

In European courts, the burden of proof for any claim generally rests on the party who makes the claim in question. This is a vital part of our European civil justice system. Proof of the facts necessary to establish a cause of action will typically rest on a plaintiff, whilst proof of defense will lie on the defendant. The proposal to review the Directive on liability for defective products (Product Liability Directive (PLD) includes several important reforms which will improve the product liability framework for consumers and business alike.

AmCham EU confirms new Chair of Policy Group

5 Oct 2023
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AmCham EU would like to congratulate Andrea Chiarello (Pfizer), who has been elected as the new Chair of Policy Group and Member of the Board of Directors for a two-year mandate. We welcome Andrea to his new role and look forward to working with him. The election period followed the resignation of outgoing Board member Cristina Falcone (UPS), who relocated to the United States. AmCham EU expresses our sincere thanks for her valuable contribution to the Board throughout her mandate.  

Business resilience and the European elections

4 Oct 2023
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On Tuesday, 3 October, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, joined a panel organised by FiscalNote to discuss priorities following the upcoming European elections. Susan spoke about what business resilience will look like following the elections and what Europe can do to stay on the forefront of global policy and industry development when it comes to data privacy, energy security and supply chains. She also covered topics most important to AmCham EU’s agenda such as sustainability, trade and the digital transition.  

Enhancing transatlantic integration with the US Department of State

3 Oct 2023
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AmCham EU met with José Fernandez, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, US Department of State on Friday, 30 September. The meeting was attended by Chairs and Vice-Chairs from six committees, showcasing how horizontal the discussion was. During the meeting, the group covered the role of the private sector in Ukraine's recovery, the current Commission's legislative agenda and the likely focus of the next Commission as well as insights on the process around the EU-US Trade and Technology Council. 

The role of business centres in Slovakia’s economy

2 Oct 2023
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On Thursday, 28 September AmCham Slovakia held its annual ‘Business Centers Conference’ to bring attention to the important role business centres play in the Slovakian economy. Business service centres offer accounting, information technology and human resources support to companies and represent the third biggest sector of the Slovak economy. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, contributed to the conference via video and spoke about encouraging sustainable and innovative change to ensure stability across all of Slovakia’s industries. 

Celebrating 60 years of best practices with the AmChams in Europe network

2 Oct 2023
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In late September, 55 representatives from 35 American Chambers of Commerce attended the AmChams in Europe (ACE) Best Practices Conference in Athens, Greece. Susan Danger, CEO, Maximiliano Santy, Senior Operations Director and Françoise Soudaz, Senior External Relations Manager from AmCham EU, attended to exchange best practices and knowledge, as well as to celebrate 60 years of the ACE network. Conference participants discussed issues impacting AmChams from across Europe and the wider region. 

Shaping the future of life sciences in Europe

26 Sep 2023
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What does the future hold for Europe's life sciences sector? On Tuesday, 19 September, AmCham EU explored this question, hearing policy and industry perspectives during a panel discussion. The attention was on recent legislative changes within the EU and the challenges they may pose to transatlantic cooperation on health policy. By innovating together, the EU and US can set a promising future for the life sciences sector, enhancing health policy and advancing global well-being. 

Safeguarding the cloud revolution with an effective EUCS

26 Sep 2023
All Committees
Digital Economy

By 2030 the EU aims to achieve 75% cloud adoption for its business, but as we become more reliant on cloud computing we also open ourselves up to more cybersecurity concerns. Now more than ever we need an EU-wide framework that provides the safety guarantees that encourage us to expand cloud networks, enhance competitiveness and foment innovation. While the EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS) may be the answer, it currently lacks a clear scope and includes discriminatory sovereignty requirements which have severely worried stakeholders. Read how the EU can establish an appropriate cloud cybersecurity framework in our latest blog post
