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Post-Brexit: time for a strong, ambitious and comprehensive EU-UK relationship

30 Jan 2020
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As the United Kingdom leaves the European Union tomorrow, the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) calls on the EU and the UK to deliver a strong, ambitious and comprehensive future economic partnership.

The path ahead for corporate disclosure and green finance in the EU

29 Jan 2020
All committees
Sustainable Finance

On Tuesday, 28 January 2020, AmCham EU hosted a plenary meeting organised by the Sustainable Finance Task Force. The debate took stock of the main developments in sustainable finance policy, most importantly the negotiations on the taxonomy file. The panel discussed, among others, issues related to just transition, the Green Deal as well as climate diplomacy. 

AmCham EU visits member company's Dow site in the Netherlands

28 Jan 2020
All committees
Communications Group
Operations Group

On Monday, 27 January 2020, the entire AmCham EU secretariat visited the Dow site in Terneuzen, the Netherlands. The secretariat met some of the staff at the new Diamond Centre, toured the manufacturing plant and discussed many topics including inclusion and sustainability. It was incredibly valuable to understand the work of one of AmCham EU's member companies as well as being a highly interesting and educational visit. 

AmCham EU CEO Susan Danger elected Chair of AmChams in Europe network

24 Jan 2020
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Communications Group

As the new Chair of the AmChams in Europe (ACE) network, Susan Danger walks us through her new role and its potential to communicate the importance of the transatlantic relationship beyond the Brussels Bubble. See Susan’s video and find out more about ACE and about her vision for the future which includes peace and prosperity through collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking. Read more.

AmCham EU joined the 21st Annual State of American Business event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

10 Jan 2020
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On Thursday, 9 January 2020 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosted the 21st Annual State of American Business event. Through real-time video integration in a series of live watch events across the United States and around the world, AmCham EU was present and actively participated in the American business watch party.

You can watch the full event here.

AmCham EU’s Plenary meeting discusses the 2021 VAT reform for e-commerce

16 Dec 2019
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Customs & Trade Facilitation

On Wednesday, 11 December 2019, AmCham EU hosted its customs Plenary meeting. The discussion this year focused on the upcoming 2021 VAT reform for e-commerce in the EU. The keynote address was delivered by Ana Hinojosa, Director of Compliance & Facilitation, World Customs Organization (WCO). She gave her perspective on the ‘small package tsunami’ created by the advent of e-commerce and the challenges it brings to customs administrations around the world.

AmCham EU launches new Space, Security and Defence Brochure

13 Dec 2019
Security, Defence & Space

On Monday, 9 December AmCham EU launched its new brochure entitled Space, Security & Defence – strengthening the transatlantic relationship. 

7th Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference: Europe’s digital leadership beyond 2020

13 Dec 2019
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Digital Economy

AmCham EU welcomed nearly 100 participants for its 7th edition of the Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference on Tuesday, 10 December. This year’s theme: ‘Europe’s digital leadership beyond 2020’.

AmCham EU regrets that the World Trade Organization Appellate Body goes dormant

11 Dec 2019
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Trade & External Affairs

Wednesday, 11 December 2019. The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) regrets the paralysis of the WTO dispute settlement system, which leaves the WTO without an enforcement mechanism.

A European Green Deal – Business is a partner in reaching the Green Deal objectives

11 Dec 2019
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Transport, Energy & Climate

Brussels, 11 December 2019 - The European Commission’s proposal for a European Green Deal announced today is an important political milestone that has the potential to drive the transformation towards a low-carbon economy. Delivering on the EU’s objectives will require equally ambitious policy and regulatory frameworks and adequate financial resources. 

AmCham EU speaks at Public Affairs Council’s European Digital Advocacy Summit

5 Dec 2019
All committees

On Tuesday, 3 December, Maggy Peeters, Director of Communications and Outreach, AmCham EU spoke at the Public Affairs Council’s European Digital Advocacy Summit 2019. The discussion focused on the critical aspect of digital advocacy in public affairs today and in her intervention, Maggy noted the importance of mixing digital and non-digital tools while using simple and accessible props to promote key messages in a concise, open and attractive way. 

Lunch with 30 US ECON Officers posted across Europe

5 Dec 2019
Consumer affairs
Financial Services
Trade & External Affairs

On Wednesday, 4 December 2019, AmCham EU hosted a delegation of 30 US State Department Economic Officers posted in US Missions across Europe for an informative lunch. This event was a unique opportunity to share ideas and best policy practices for collaboration at the Member State level. Discussions covered topics such as the transatlantic partnership, trade, healthcare, security, space, defence as well as consumer affairs.

AmCham EU and AmCham Croatia team up to co-host Presidency Reception

4 Dec 2019
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On Tuesday, 3 December AmCham EU and AmCham Croatia hosted a reception to welcome the incoming Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Ambassador Irena Andrassy, Permanent Representative of Croatia to the EU, and Vice-President of the European Commission, Dubravka Suica both gave opening remarks.

AmCham EU Strasbourg delegation strengthens ties with MEPs

3 Dec 2019
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AmCham EU hosted a delegation of 65 members at the European Parliament’s monthly plenary meeting in Strasbourg. From Tuesday, 26 to Wednesday, 27 November 2019, the participants had the opportunity to exchange views with more than 100 MEPs from across the political spectrum of the European Parliament. 

Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements: AmCham EU responds to European Commission Consultation

29 Nov 2019
Customs & Trade Facilitation
Trade & External Affairs

AmCham EU members have responded to the European Commission’s public consultation on the trade component of the EU’s Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements with six partner countries, including Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia.

New Deal for Consumers: Key safeguards to protect consumers missing

28 Nov 2019
Consumer affairs

The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) has been closely following the developments of the European Commission’s New Deal for Consumers package which includes the Proposal for a Directive on Representative Actions.

AmCham EU discusses foreign interference with John C. Demers, US Justice Department

25 Nov 2019
All committees

On Friday, 22 November 2019, AmCham EU welcomed John C. Demers, Assistant Attorney General on National Security and representatives from the National Security Division of the US Justice Department. Discussions focused on recent cases of foreign interference in politics and business; the changing nature of Chinese activities in the US, and hybrid and cyber security threats.

AmCham EU Delegation to the EPP Congress in Zagreb

25 Nov 2019
All committees

A delegation from AmCham EU’s European Parliament Outreach Task Force attended the European People’s Party Congress in Zagreb, Croatia from Wednesday, 20 November to Thursday, 21 November 2019

Recommendations to the European Parliament

25 Nov 2019
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European Parliament Outreach

We have published some key recommendations for the new European Parliament that take into account EU challenges like the Brexit vote, the rise of populism, and the EU's need to demonstrate the ability to take the lead and deliver for European citizens. As the effects of digitalisation and globalisation continue to transform our economies, societies around the world are pressured to become more resilient. Check out our recommendations here to find out more. 

Highlights from AmCham EU's Presidency Delegation to Zagreb

25 Nov 2019
All committees

Earlier this month the AmCham EU Presidency Delegation travelled to Zagreb, Croatia for a series of meetings ahead of the upcoming Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
