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AmCham Bulgaria webinar on the EU’s Next Generation economic recovery plan

15 Jun 2020
All committees
On Wednesday, 10 June 2020, AmCham Bulgaria hosted a webinar focused on EU’s Next Generation economic recovery plan. Eva Maydell, MEP (EPP, BG), European Parliament was the keynote speaker and she presented the plan and engaged in an in-depth Q&A session with AmCham Bulgaria's members. The webinar focused on the importance of cross country coordination and cooperation on the EU's economic recovery strategy as well as the role that digitalisation will play in the economic recovery in the coming days, weeks and months in the EU and the world.  
Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU and Chair, AmChams in Europe, joined the webinar as a guest speaker to provide her input to the discussion. Susan presented AmCham EU’s economic recovery paper, read it here.