Our recommendations to the Hungarian Presidency

1 Jul 2024
All Committees

On 1 July, 2024, Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union during a challenging time for Europe and the world. Over the next six months, the Hungarian Presidency has an opportunity to strengthen the EU’s business outlook by boosting the Single Market and standing firm against protectionism. Our recommendations to the Hungarian Presidency aim to raise issues that are vital to shaping a strong and competitive EU and provide concrete input and direction to the Presidency’s work program over the next six months. 

Statement on the implementation process of the Deforestation Regulation

1 Jul 2024
All Committees

To comply with the European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), companies need more guidance and detail. For a smooth and timely transition to take place, the European Commission must issue detailed FAQs, set realistic timelines and introduce meaningful thresholds, along with addressing other concerns. If the Commission is unable to address these essential elements by early-September, AmCham EU members and other economic operators will not be able to comply with the EUDR by 30 December 2024. We can safeguard forests across the EU, here’s how.

Unlocking Europe's digital connectivity potential

1 Jul 2024
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Digital Economy

Achieving the Digital Decade targets by 2030 is a crucial milestone to foster innovation across industries and improve the well-being of European citizens. As the recent Letta report and our Agenda for Action 2024 point out, the Single Market must aim to make European industrial capacity compatible with the transformation of our economy. By reducing regulatory burden, establishing the right framework for innovation and promoting the green and digital transitions, the EU can ensure it remains fit for today’s (and tomorrow’s) economy. Find out how else the EU can remain a competitive and attractive region for investment and innovation.