Exploring the impacts the US elections could have on the transatlantic partnership

15 Oct 2024
All Committees

As the US presidential election draws closer, how will the next administration influence the transatlantic partnership? That’s what we heard about on Monday, 14 October during our US elections event, co-organised with POLITICO Pro. Attendees gained insights from both sides of the aisle, hearing comments from Jack Kingston, former US representative and former Republican Congressman and Bart Szewczyk, former US State Department official and former Co-chair, EU subgroup, Biden-Harris campaign. Aura Salla, MEP (EPP, FI) joined the panel to examine how the EU can prepare for the upcoming US administration. With the transatlantic remaining the largest, most integrated partnership in the world, find out why it’s crucial EU and US leaders continue to invest in this impactful relationship

Modernising the EU-Mexico trade partnership

15 Oct 2024
All Committees
Customs & Trade Facilitation
Trade & External Affairs

On Monday, 14 October, we met with Rogelio Granguillhome Morfín, Mexican Ambassador to the EU. The conversation highlighted the importance of modernising the EU-Mexico Global Agreement, a critical step towards deepening economic cooperation. Additionally, we touched on the ongoing United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement review and its potential implications for the transatlantic relationship. This review is the perfect time for reinforcing the need for collaboration across the region to navigate evolving trade and economic landscapes. Strengthening these ties remains essential for shared growth and prosperity. 

Strengthening transatlantic cybersecurity

15 Oct 2024
All Committees
Digital Economy

On Monday, 14 October, we welcomed Nathaniel C. Fick, US Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy. The discussion focused on the critical importance of strengthening cybersecurity resilience, both within the EU uropean Union and globally. The conversation underscored the pivotal role that robust cybersecurity plays in supporting the EU's economic future. Explore more about the role that the EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme can play in supporting Europe's economic prospects.