Calling for a more open trade policy

15 Jul 2024
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Monday, 15 July, a coalition of 31 leading European business associations came together to call for an ambitious and open trade policy to support the EU’s competitiveness and economic prosperity. In a Joint Declaration, they highlight the importance of trade openness in driving economic growth, creating jobs, and enhancing resilience in the face of global challenges. Trade remains a cornerstone of the EU’s economic strength, directly supporting one in five EU jobs through exports. It significantly benefits consumers by expanding choices—a sentiment shared by 60% of Europeans—and attracts foreign investments that drive growth and innovation. Furthermore, diversified sourcing and export strategies strengthen the EU’s ability to navigate and overcome crises.

Supplying new talent to meet renewable energy demand

11 Jul 2024
All Committees

In 2021, 22% of the EU’s energy came from renewable sources. But as the number of renewable energy projects increases, so too does the gap between the workforce the sector needs and the qualified personnel ready to fill these specialised positions. To help meet this demand, AES Bulgaria partnered with Varna Technical University to train the next generation of experts by managing internship and scholarship programmes, delivering lectures and presentations, participating in university activities and facilitating site visits. Through this work, AES is raising awareness about careers in the wind energy industry and building mentoring relationships that can help students break into the business. Learn more on Invested in Europe.  

Building inclusive supply chains

10 Jul 2024
All Committees
Responsible Business Conduct

With a growing focus on the social and environmental impacts of supply chains, the EU is looking to set high standards on due diligence. But how can these policies factor in all actors along the supply chain and how do we avoid a fragmented approach to the legislative landscape? On Tuesday, 9 July we covered this and more during a panel discussion after which Olof Skoog, EU Special Representative for Human Rights, European External Action Service shared his views on the links between business and human rights, explaining the role the EU should play on such topics.