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Position paper - AmCham EU's position on the waste legislative proposals

14 Apr 2016


The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) is a firm advocate of the further development of the circular economy. However, when reviewing existing and adopting new legislation in this field, EU policy makers should ensure that the smooth functioning of already successful industrial processes is not compromised. With regards to the waste and packaging waste proposals, a sound, common methodology for calculating targets should be established. Furthermore AmCham EU believes that some definitions should be clarified to enable the full potential of the circular economy, particularly for secondary products. With regards to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), minimum operating requirements as well as clarity on the roles and responsibilities of all actors involved will be key to ensuring a level playing field and fair competition between schemes. AmCham EU also believes that the circular economy package should enable the legitimate shipment of used equipment for repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing and reuse.


For further information please contact Stéphanie Brochard (