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Position papers

30 Oct 2018
All Committees
Security, Defence & Space

Scenarios for a successful dual-use items export regime

29 Oct 2018
Intellectual Property

Position on the Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) waiver

17 Oct 2018
All Committees

Improving REACH in 2018 and beyond - Restrictions

15 Oct 2018

Feedback to the RoHS review roadmap

8 Oct 2018
Competition policy
Digital Economy

Shaping competition policy in an era of digitisation

2 Oct 2018
Trade & External Affairs

Joint industry statement on WTO e-commerce cooperation

13 Sep 2018
All Committees
Security, Defence & Space

Implications of the European Parliament proposal for the dual-use items recast

11 Sep 2018
Future of Work, Education & Skills

AmCham EU Future of skills analysis
