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Annual Washington Doorknock takes place!
The AmCham EU annual delegation visit to Washington, DC took place throughout the week of 16 May 2016. A series of high-level meetings on cross-sectoral issues such as TTIP and wider transatlantic economic relations took place.

Meeting highlights included speaking with Ambassador David O’Sullivan, EU Ambassador to the U.S.; Dan Mullaney, Assistant United States Trade Representative for Europe and the Middle East; Catherine A. Novelli, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment; and Stefan Selig, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade.
The delegation also met with Kris Balderston and Sara Fagen of FleishmanHillard; the US Department of The Treasury; Eric Pan of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Bruce Stokes of the Pew Research Centre; Rob Mulligan of the USCIB; staff of Congressman Kevin McCarthy; Paul Leder of the Securities and Exchange Commission; staff of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi; staff of Congressman Steny Hoyer; staff of Congressman Erik Paulsen; Antoine Ripoll of the European Parliament Liaison Office and Congressman Jim Costa.
For further information, please contact Adriaan Scheiris (