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Shaping a prosperous future in Strasbourg

28 Oct 2024
All Committees

From Tuesday, 22 to Thursday, 24 October, we visited Strasbourg, France to engage with over 70 MEPs from across European Parliament. Joined by more than 100 members representing sectors from across the spectrum including competition, finance, defence, trade, digital, environment, healthcare and so much more, we brought the voice of American business to the heart of the EU. We also shared our Recommendations to the European Parliament 2024-2029 that covers 61 areas that the new mandate can build on to build a more prosperous future for European citizens.  

To begin the delegation, we heard from Magnus Lund Nielsen, EU Politics Journalist, Euractiv on what the latest developments were from the European Parliament and how their priorities will shape the next five years. We also examined the new dynamics in the European Parliament and the evolving power balance between the EU institutions.

Afterwards, we were joined by MEPs Nikola Minchev (RE, BG), Alexandr Vondra (ECR, CZ) and Željana Zovko (EPP, HR) to hear about the top issues they see facing Europe and how their parties plan to tackle them.  

Next, we heard about Europe’s role in the current geopolitical context from Markus Winkler, Deputy Secretary-General, European Parliament. With the case for investing in Europe becoming increasingly hard to make, it is vital that the European institutions and Member States ensure the EU remains an attractive destination for investment, innovation and growth

Brando Benifei, MEP (S&D, IT) and Chair, Delegation for relations with the United States then joined us to examine the state of the transatlantic relationship and how it can continue to be the most integrated partnership in the world.  

Finally, we held a walking dinner where Philipe Ducom, President, ExxonMobil Europe gave the industry view on how the EU can reset the agenda and strengthen its competitiveness in the global economy with decisive action.  

The second day of the delegation was dedicated to advocacy meetings with MEPs on topics including agriculture, consumer affairs, digital economy, environment, finance and sustainable finance, healthcare, intellectual property, responsible business conduct, space and defence, trade and transport and energy. 

Overall, the meetings confirmed that AmCham EU needs to continue efforts to inform and share a positive narrative with new MEPs to comprehend the concerns of companies in key policy areas.