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Position paper - EU-US Trade and Technology Council Fifth Ministerial

15 Dec 2023
All committees

The Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is a unique forum for the EU and the US to tackle new and emerging issues arising from the transformation of our economies. In the face of global uncertainty, transatlantic partners can ensure that global standards and governance reflect their shared values, including the defence of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. American companies in Europe fully support the TTC as a mechanism for the EU and the US to solidify their partnership. Since its launch in 2021, the TTC has met four times in a ministerial setting. Its ten working groups have also convened multiple times in an unprecedented display of transatlantic cooperation between a wide range of officials across the Atlantic.

However, there is scope to accelerate and amplify its impact. Both sides should seek to maintain the positive momentum and sustain the level of engagement. It will require continued investment, time and effort to ensure the TTC becomes a sustainable framework that is here to stay. As such, the public and private sectors both have a critical role to play in ensuring the TTC is a success in the long run. AmCham EU hopes that the fifth ministerial meeting can be scheduled shortly, with appreciation for the pressure on the time of the senior leaders. Ahead of this meeting we have laid out key issues that should be prioritised by policymakers and guidelines on how to improve them. They include:

  • AI Code of Conduct
  • Critical raw materials
  • Dual-use goods exports
  • Electro-mobility and interoperability of smart grids
  • EU-US Clean Energy Incentives Dialogue
  • Trade and Labour Dialogue
  • Trade facilitation: digital tools for customs and conformity assessments
  • Transatlantic Initative on Sustainable Trade (TIST)