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Navigating concerns around Third Party Litigation Funding
On Friday, 1 December, 2023, addressing questions and issues around Third Party Litigation Funding (TPLF). Hosted in conjunction with the European Justice Forum, the event examined the growth in mass claims, and how we can find the necessary scope of research around Third Party Litigation Funding in preparation for a potential European Commission proposal. Attendees heard from a wide range of speakers who gave their perspectives on what impact TPLF will have across Europe. Despite different backgrounds and experiences, each of the speakers agreed that transparency should be the top priority in the TPLF conversation.

During the event, we heard from Kaarli Eichhorn (Jones Day), AmCham EU; Jacek Garstka, Legislative Officer, Civil Justice, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission; Kenny Henderson, Partner, CMS ; Martin Hohlweck, Judge, Cologne Higher Regional Court and Expert, German Association of Judges; Thomas Holzheu, Chief Economist, Americas, Swiss Re Institute; Jeroen Kortmann, Professor of International Litigation, University of Amsterdam; Michał Penkala (P&G), Chair, Consumer Affairs Committee, AmCham EU; Liesbeth Timmermans (CEFIC), European Justice Forum and Miryam Vivar, Policy, enforcement and legal actions coordinator, Public Affairs and Media Department, Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU).