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Transparency the order of the day in AmCham EU’s July plenary

15 Jul 2020
All committees
Plenary Meeting

On 14 July, AmCham EU hosted a virtual plenary meeting addressing good governance and transparency in a time of crisis, and the role for politics and public affairs. We were joined by guest speakers Heidi Hautala, MEP (Greens/EFA, FI), Vice-President, European Parliament, Wes Himes, President, Society of European Affairs Professionals (SEAP), as well as Renate Nikolay, Head of Vice-President Jourova’s Cabinet, European Commission.

The discussion centred around the role of transparency in building trust between interest groups in society, and how transparency can be increased at a time of crisis. Panelists also discussed the practical issues in the application of transparency and a system of good conduct throughout the full decision-making cycle.

AmCham EU believes that transparency is vital to a well-functioning democracy and will continue to engage policy-makers on this topic as the negotiations for a mandatory transparency register move forward. Further demonstrating our commitment to transparency in our work, AmCham EU CEO Susan Danger signed the ‘Transparency Pledge’, an initiative of SEAP.