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Fighting the economic impact of COVID-19 with a more united EU and a stronger EU-US relationship

15 Jun 2020
All committees
For our last ‘Town Hall’ for members, AmCham EU connected with Peter Beyer, Member and Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation, German Bundestag.
During the meeting, Peter shared his insights on the COVID-19 emergency and its impact on the EU as well as on the EU-US relationship. He stressed that the COVID-19 outbreak showed the fragility of cross-border cooperation in times of crisis and the need for a stronger and more united EU. According to him, stronger competences at the EU level are needed to allow for an effective response to the crisis, especially with regard to its economic impact. Peter noted that the extent to which the EU will be able to do that depends on the willingness of the Member States which are still very divided with regard to the economic recovery plan. 
As for the impact on the EU-US relationship, Peter indicated that the pandemic showed the need for more intensified transatlantic cooperation. Being natural allies, he added, the EU and the US need to start discussing a free trade agreement without further delay.