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Underlining the benefits of free trade in Strasbourg
From Tuesday 13 June to Wednesday, 14 June, AmCham EU’s Trade and External Affairs Committee visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France to discuss trade policy and the recent Trade and Technology Council ministerial. Meeting with key MEPs involved with the Committee on International Trade, delegates spoke about the importance of ratifying key Free Trade Agreements with Australia, Chile, Mercosur, Mexico, and New Zealand by the end of the mandate. By advancing trade policy, the EU can become more attractive and competitive for business.

During the trip, delegates met with MEPs from the main political groups including: Reinhard Bütikofer (DE, Greens/EFA), Heidi Hautala (FI, Greens/EFA), Danuta Maria Hübner (PL, EPP), Imna Rodriguez-Pinero (ES, S&D), Kathleen Van Brempt (BE, S&D), Jörgen Warborn (SE, EPP) and Iuliu Winkler (RO, EPP). They also met with assistant to Michelle Asimakopoulou (EL, EPP).