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The transatlantic relationship in 2023
For the final time in 2022, AmCham EU brought together its members and stakeholders for a plenary session to discuss the state of the EU-US relationship. The morning's meeting featured a panel covering the Trade and Technology Council's third ministerial, the outcome of the US midterm elections, the Inflation Reduction Act and more. This year's volatility proved that the EU and US are stronger together, and must remain committed partners in the turbulent years to come.

Guests came to hear the perspectives of Cristina Falcone, Vice-President of Public Affairs, UPS Europe; Michael Lally, Minister Counsellor for Commercial Affairs in Europe, US Mission to the EU; Elina Melngaile, Member of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission; and Luisa Santos, Deputy Director-General, BusinessEurope.