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Strong transatlantic dialogue on digital policy crucial for both economies
At the margins of the 15th Information Society Dialogue – the first one under the new US administration - AmCham EU hosted a roundtable discussion with Robert Strayer, US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity and International Communications and Information Policy and Brendan Carr, FCC Commissioner, together with leading members of the AmCham EU Digital Economy Committee.

The EU and US have a strong rationale for dialogue on digital policy. Both economies are undergoing profound structural changes as a result of the opportunities provided by digital technologies, and therefore face similar challenges. Furthermore, digital is inter-connecting the two economies ever more. Transatlantic data flows are the highest in the world. The US is also both the largest supplier of digitally-provided services to Europe and the largest non-EU consumer of EU digitally-provided services.
AmCham EU looks forward to strong EU-US regulatory cooperation in key areas such as:
- Privacy and data protection regimes, including a continued constructive dialogue on the implementation of the Privacy Shield agreement;
- Enabling cross-border data flows and opposing forced data localisation requirements in future mutual trade and investment agreements;
- Ensuring interoperability frameworks and economies of scale for Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud in order to fully unleash the potential of these technologies;
- Supporting the development and use of global standards to ensure a global scale in smart grids, smart cities, intelligent transportation, IoT, advanced manufacturing and 5G;
- Maintaining the EU-US cybersecurity dialogue, in regard to which preserving undisrupted data flows is essential;
- Provide common guidelines on ethics, transparency, accountability and skills in the area of Artificial intelligence.
Read the statement issued by the EU and US as outcome of the 15th Information Society Dialogue here.
By Maika Fohrenbach, Policy Adviser (