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Moving forward on the path to the Digital Decade
On 1 September 2022, the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), endorsed the 2030 policy programme ‘Path to the Digital Decade’. AmCham EU applauds the ITRE Committee and EU policymakers for their efforts to set ambitious EU-wide digital targets in the areas of skills, secure and sustainable digital infrastructure, digital transformation of businesses and digitalisation of public services. Achieving these digital targets by 2030 requires an inclusive approach, including keeping these projects open to third-country entities with considerable European footprint. Read more in AmCham EU’s statement.

The European Commission has a solid precedent of setting targets for its digital ambitions and mapping digital progress in the Union, including through the Digital Economy and Sustainability Index and the Gigabit Society goals. AmCham EU looks forward to the expansion of this work in the form of an annual State of the Digital Decade report, the development of national roadmaps to reach the digital targets and enhanced cooperation and dialogue between the Commission and Member States to ensure each target remains on track.
A united and inclusive approach is necessary to achieve these digital targets by 2030. This includes the pooling of resources across Member States and the participation and consultation of all actors, including industry. The creation of a framework for multi-country projects is welcome, and our members look forward to engaging in these. At the same time, these projects must remain open to participation from third-country entities with considerable European footprint and adhere to the EU’s international commitments in trade – ie non-discrimination and due process – and respect European values and export interests. Any exclusion or discriminatory treatment of vital economic contributors from like-minded countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom would cause trade barriers and market distortions, and ultimately weaken not only the transatlantic and the EU-UK relationships, but also hinder Europe’s ability to meet or exceed its 2030 Digital Decade targets.
Similarly, the emphasis on technology neutrality will help reach the connectivity targets of full Gigabit network coverage and 5G roll-out in all populated areas by 2030. Any technology capable of Gigabit speeds should be included in assessing the path towards these goals.
For further background, please read AmCham EU’s position paper on Europe’s 2030 digital targets and targeted consultation response on the 2030 Digital Compass.