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Everybody deserves a present

3 Dec 2021
All committees

We invite you to join the Shoe Box Project, an initiative which collects non-perishable food items and small gifts and distributes them to the homeless and less fortunate across Belgium. Gather your friends and family, prepare your boxes and send us a picture before delivering them to a storage location of your choice before Friday, 10 December. Learn more on how to take part here.

To take part you simply need to:

Prepare your box
2. Decorate it and send a picture to
3. Deliver the box to the storage location of your choice by Friday, 10 December.

For links to ideas of what can go in the box, and for inspiration on how to decorate it, please click here. The best decorated box will win a surprise basket, which will be delivered to you.

If you are not that crafty – you can still make a donation and the Samaritans will put together a Shoe Box on your behalf. Please donate by Friday, 10 December.

Samaritains asbl

BE19 3101 5855 8512

Payment reference: 'Bon pour une (ou plusieurs) SHOEBOX'

We thank you in advance for your support!