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EU-New Zealand Agreement: AmCham EU welcomes signature and renews calls for progress on all EU trade agreements
AmCham EU fully supports the signature of the EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and calls on the European Parliament and the Council to ratify this deal before the European elections in June 2024.

The agreement will play a critical role in achieving the EU’s objective of boosting diversification and establishing stronger trade ties with reliable partners, as stated in the new European Economic Security Strategy. The EU-NZ deal also marks an important step in the implementation of the EU’s reviewed approach to Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) chapters, given that it includes more far-reaching TSD commitments that will help raise sustainability standards globally.
An open, free, rules-based EU trade policy agenda is essential to support competitiveness and growth, and to support the green and digital transition. FTAs like the EU-NZ one play a fundamental role in connecting the EU and businesses to important sources of growth and open new market opportunities. For this reason, AmCham EU urges the EU institutions to continue beefing up its bilateral free trade agreements agenda with relevant third countries, in particular ratifying FTAs with Mercosur, Mexico and Chile and concluding negotiations with Australia during this institutional cycle. We call on the EU to make substantial progress also on FTAs with India, Indonesia and Thailand, while also reopening trade talks with Philippines and Malaysia.
Read more about AmCham EU’s recommendations on the crucial role that an open EU trade policy agenda can play in supporting economic growth, societal development, supply chain resilience, green and digital transition and competitiveness.