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EU and US to launch new dialogue on security and defence
21 Apr 2022
The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) welcomes the launch of the EU-US dedicated dialogue on security and defence that will take place on 22 April 2022 following its initial announcement during the EU-US Summit in June 2021. The dialogue comes at a pivotal moment for transatlantic security and will serve as a valuable forum for exploring closer cooperation in the field of security and defence.
AmCham EU identifies several areas which could form the basis for future discussion:
- Transatlantic Defence Industrial Cooperation (TADIC): The capability and interoperability of our collective armed forces should be at the core of this dialogue. The EU and the US should explore ways to coordinate in an efficient manner respective R&D and acquisition priorities in order to reinforce collective defence.
- Complementarity with existing initiatives: The dialogue should seek to complement existing efforts aimed at strengthening the transatlantic security and defence relationship, such as the ongoing negotiations between the European Defence Agency and the US Department of Defence on the establishment of an Administrative Arrangement and the important work of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in the area of export controls.
- Cybersecurity: The dialogue on security and defence should include cooperation on cybersecurity. The structured exchange of information, joint horizon scanning and conflict analysis on cyber would be key in the fight against cyber threats and to help ensure alignment on the relationship with strategic competitors.
- Climate change: The dialogue should be a forum to build on the transatlantic momentum and leadership on climate change. Operational effectiveness, sustainability and energy security are intrinsically linked and should be addressed at the highest level. A particular focus on the introduction of sustainable aviation fuel, advanced technologies and information sharing across sectors can help address the defence and security challenges related to climate change.
- Space: The dialogue should focus on international cooperation and support opportunities to embed defence and security in all space systems. Both sides should specifically also consider how to best develop a space cooperation framework with NATO.
AmCham EU welcomes the ambition of both sides to take these discussions forward. AmCham EU is committed to supporting this dialogue and strengthening the transatlantic relationship, which provides jobs, prosperity and security in the EU and the US.