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Building inclusive supply chains
With a growing focus on the social and environmental impacts of supply chains, the EU is looking to set high standards on due diligence. But how can these policies factor in all actors along the supply chain and how do we avoid a fragmented approach to the legislative landscape? On Tuesday, 9 July we covered this and more during a panel discussion after which Olof Skoog, EU Special Representative for Human Rights, European External Action Service shared his views on the links between business and human rights, explaining the role the EU should play on such topics.

The panel included Rachel Davis, Co-Founder and Vice-President, Shift Project; Bart Devos, Vice-President, Public Policy, Responsible Business Alliance; Gilles Goedhart, Coordinator, Mandatory Due Diligence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands; Allan Jorgensen, Head, Responsible Business Conduct Centre, OECD and Julia Otten, Senior Policy Officer, Frank Bold. The panel was moderated by Julian Lageard (Intel), Chair, Responsible Business Conduct Task Force, AmCham EU.