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The Spirit of Bern

Susan Danger makes the case for a comprehensive TTIP agreement at the 'Spirit of Bern' Conference

20 Jan 2016
Trade & External Affairs

On 18 January, Susan Danger, Managing Director of AmCham EU, spoke at the leading ‘Spirit of Bern’ business conference in Switzerland. TTIP was a key topic of discussion, and particularly its relevance to third countries. With about 700 participants, the ‘Spirit of Bern’ conference brought together representatives of the Swiss business community, policy-makers and academics.

AmCham EU discusses environmental policy at House of Commons

15 Jan 2016

Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU, travelled to London on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 to present the business view in an inquiry into EU-UK Environmental policy which is being carried out by the Environmental Audit Committee in the House of Commons. 

See full testimony here.

Susan Danger discusses EU-US economic ties

14 Jan 2016

Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU, discusses EU-US economic ties in an interview with Commerce Germany, a business journal published by AmCham Germany. 

To read the full interview click here and scroll to page 26 or click the above headline.

Artur Runge-Metzger discusses COP21 with AmCham EU

Artur Runge-Metzger discusses COP21 agreement with AmCham EU

13 Jan 2016
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Tuesday, 12 January Artur Runge-Metzger, Director of International and Climate Strategy, DG Climate Action, European Commission, visited AmCham EU to present his views on the COP21 agreement reached in Paris in December.

Healthcare Committee pays visit to AmCham France

18 Dec 2015

The Healthcare Committee travelled to Paris this week to participate in the AmCham France organised event 'How Can France Lead The Way In The Healthcare Industries And Continue To Attract International Businesses?'

Alberto Di Felice (Qualcomm) presented the report Forever Healthy. The Secretariat was also represented at the event. For more information, please contact Pierre Bouygues at

Daniel Calleja Crespo

AmCham EU discusses better regulation in environmental policy

15 Dec 2015

For its final plenary meeting of the year, AmCham EU focused on better regulation in environmental policy and welcomed Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General, DG Environment, as keynote speaker.

AmCham EU meets with Dutch Government Representatives in The Hague

14 Dec 2015

A delegation of ten AmCham EU members travelled to The Hague for two days of meetings (from the 8-9 December) with representatives of the Dutch government. The delegation met with several representatives from several ministries and discussed issues related to trade, digital, energy, environment, financial services, social affairs among others.

OECD Due Diligence Guidance

Workshop on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance takes place

9 Dec 2015
Trade & External Affairs

On 9 December 2015, AmCham EU hosted a workshop on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals. Louis Maréchal, Policy Adviser on Extractives at OECD, gave a presentation on the guidance and answered questions on responsible sourcing and the OECD’s future work on this issue.

Fulbright-Schuman Program welcomes support for new grant

4 Dec 2015

The Fulbright-Schuman Program funds graduate and post-graduate study, research and lecture proposals in the field of US-EU relations, EU policy or EU institutions for interested American and EU citizens. The program is pleased to announce the launch of the Fulbright-Schuman Innovation Grants which will reflect the evolving priorities of US-EU relations. The program is currently seeking support to fund this new initiative. For more information, please contact Matteo Quattrocchi

Andreas Galanakis speaks at Lithuanian Annual Economic Forum 2015

4 Dec 2015

Andreas Galanakis, Policy Director at AmCham EU, spoke at the Lithuanian Annual Economic Forum 2015, organised by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK), which took place in Vilnius on the 1st of December.

Commissioner Brill from the FTC meets with AmCham EU

4 Dec 2015
Digital Economy

Julie Brill, Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission, met with a number of members of the AmCham EU Digital Economy Committee on Friday, 4 December. The discussions primarily focused on the way forward on the US-EU Safe Harbour negotiations as well as on some data protections issues.


Digital Single Market the focus of 3rd Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference

3 Dec 2015
Digital Economy

The 3rd Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference took place on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 at the AmCham EU offices.

Keynote addresses were delivered by Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda and Telco, Belgium; Andrus Ansip, Vice-President, Responsible for the Digital Single Market, European Commission and Anthony Gardner, Ambassador of the United States of America to the European Union. 

New Transatlantic Agenda celebrates 20th anniversary!

3 Dec 2015
Trade & External Affairs

Dr. Günter Burghardt, former EU Ambassador to the United States reminds us that 20 years ago on 3 December 1995 the New Transatlantic Agenda (NTA) was adopted which set in motion a new era in transatlantic relations. Click here to read his article.


Healthcare committee

Delegations from the Financial Services and Healthcare Committees travel to Strasbourg

26 Nov 2015
Financial Services

Delegations from AmCham EU's Financial Services and Healthcare Committees traveled to Strasbourg on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 November to meet with a number of MEPs. The Financial Services Committee held discussions on the Capital Markets Union, Bank Structural Reform, Benchmarks, MiFID and the inclusion of financial services in TTIP. 

The Healthcare Committee discussions touched upon industrial policy, the ongoing trilogue negotiations on medical devices, the role of the ENVI Committee in the European Parliament and innovative medicines

Priorities of the Dutch Presidency

AmCham EU discusses upcoming Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union

20 Nov 2015
Plenary Meeting

On Thursday, 19 November 2015, AmCham EU held its November plenary meeting on the priorities of the upcoming Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Business outlook in EU improving but Single Market must be completed

18 Nov 2015

AmCham EU launched its annual Agenda for Action Scorecard 2015 at a flagship event on Tuesday, 17 November 2015 in Brussels. The findings of the Scorecard, which measures the economic performance of Europe against AmCham EU’s five key action areas for economic growth, suggest that the business environment in the EU is gradually improving and that attitudes towards innovation and entrepreneurship are increasingly positive.

Congratulations to Susan Danger on 20 years at AmCham EU

17 Nov 2015
Communications Group
Operations Group
Policy Group

On Friday 13 November, the AmCham EU Secretariat and Board celebrated the 20th anniversary of Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU. Congratulations to Susan on this remarkable achievement and her incredible leadership!

Bruce Stokes presenting the results of Pew Research Center's climate change survey to AmCham EU

Pew Research Center presents climate change survey

13 Nov 2015
Transport, Energy & Climate

On 10 November 2015, Bruce Stokes, Director of Global Economic Attitudes at the Pew Research Center, visited AmCham EU to present the findings of Pew's survey on global concern about climate change. 

Susan Danger participates in panel debate at International Interns Day conference

13 Nov 2015

On 10 November 2015, Susan Danger, Managing Director of AmCham EU, participated in a panel debate at the International Interns Day conference. Seven events took place around the world for the first ever ‘international day’.

Rudy Priem

Confirmation of Security & Defence Committee Chair

12 Nov 2015
Security, Defence & Space

Congratulations to Rudy Priem (United Technologies Corporation) who was confirmed as Chair of the Security & Defence Committee for a two-year term (renewable).
