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AmCham EU CEO Susan Danger re-elected as Chairwoman of the AmChams in Europe network

14 Dec 2021
All committees

Susan Danger, CEO, American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU), has been re-elected as Chairwoman of the AmChams in Europe network. She will serve for a second two-year term leading the Executive Committee of the umbrella organisation for 46 American Chambers of Commerce from 44 countries throughout Europe and Eurasia. AmChams in Europe represents the interests of more than 17,000 American and European companies employing 20 million workers.

In her role as Chairwoman of AmChams in Europe, Ms Danger aims to continue to engage and speak out on the need for a strong global economic recovery and the importance of the transatlantic partnership. Building on over two decades of experience, she will strive to further strengthen collaboration between European and transatlantic partners at a time where bringing business, government and civil society together has never been more important.

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU and Chairwoman, AmChams in Europe said: ‘I am truly honoured to serve another term as Chair of this amazing network. I aim to continue to contribute to bringing the voice of the transatlantic business community to an even wider audience on issues such as the digital and green transitions, the transatlantic economy, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as well as the future of work.’ She added: ‘I believe in the positive impact our Chambers make by fostering conversations between diverse groups of stakeholders and playing a critical role in building bridges across the whole of Europe but also across the Atlantic. It is also about teamwork more than anything. I value the energy, creativity and optimism that comes from the strong partnership with the AmChams in Europe secretariat lead by Ajsa Vodnik, CEO, AmCham Slovenia, and the collaboration with my other AmCham colleagues’.