Building bridges with MEPs in Strasbourg

23 Jul 2024
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From Tuesday, 16 to Thursday, 18 July, AmCham EU visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France for the first plenary of the new mandate. While there, AmCham EU met with newly elected and re-elected MEPs to both introduce the organisation and build deeper relationships with policymakers. The delegation offered the opportunity to discuss the coming legislative term, as well as share our priorities for the next five years and Competitiveness Scorecard.

Taking note of tax policy in Budapest

22 Jul 2024
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On Wednesday, 18 July, AmCham EU visited Budapest, Hungary to discuss our priorities for ongoing and upcoming tax files. During several meetings, delegates and officials discussed ways that tax policy can contribute to the top priority of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union: Europe’s competitiveness. The delegates gained insights into how the Hungarian government works on domestic issues and EU policy. Learn how Hungary can maximise their presidency in our recommendations.

Strengthening Europe’s defence technological and industrial base

18 Jul 2024
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The European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) is a welcome addition to strengthen the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) and Europe’s security. However, to succeed, the EU will need to increase its collaboration with like-minded third-country partners, facilitate the participation of valuable contributors owned by third-country entities from allied countries, ensure sufficient flexibility, integrate advanced technologies as well as support the completion of the Single Market for financial services. Only in this way can the EU overcome current geopolitical threats whilst increasing the competitiveness and readiness of its EDTIB. You can read our recommendations to increase the effectiveness of EDIS and EDIP here.