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AmCham EU hosts Annual General Meeting
On Tuesday, 22 June, AmCham EU held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) virtually. The meeting offered members the opportunity to review last year’s accomplishments and discuss future plans for the organisation in 2021 and beyond. Reporting and voting on the annual accounts and budgets for 2020 and 2021 were included in the meeting.
The first half of the AGM welcomed Mark Libby, Chargé d’affaires of the US Mission to the EU for a farewell chat before his departure from Brussels. Following the farewell, we shared some of our highlights over the past 18 month with separate videos for 2020 and 2021.
The internal session closed with the presentation of the Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award, which was awarded to Mia Dragojlovic, Senior Events and Marketing Coordinator and Nick Pawley, Senior Content Adviser. The Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award recognises outstanding work by members of the AmCham EU staff.